Now offering same day pediatric AND ADULT!!!  appointments at all locations including BEAVERTON!

Insurance Plans


2020 Announcement: emailed to all Pediatric Patients December 2019

2020 Open Enrollment time is upon us!  This is the time of year you may be shopping for Individual Plans or making changes through your employer-sponsored benefits.

SMC continues to be In-Network with many of the Networks that are available from Providence, MODA, Regence, PacificSource, United Healthcare, Aetna, HealthNet, as well as many other National Networks. If you are unsure if SMC is in Network with your specific plan, please double check that plans provider directory!

We are closed to any new members on Care Oregon - we will accept a new sibling or foster child but are otherwise closed - even if you have been an established patient on a commercial plan and were planning to switch to Care Oregon. We will be open to the Trillium Network once that plan opens in the Portland metro area.

In 2020 we are super excited to announce that our newest pediatric provider Casey Magis-Agosta will be available during the evening hours! Check our website for the most current schedule.



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