Now offering same day pediatric AND ADULT!!!  appointments at all locations including BEAVERTON!


Sellwood Medical Clinic

Pediatric and Adult Medicine practice with four locations in the greater Portland metropolitan area

Vaccines help protect you and your family from deadly diseases and our experienced providers at Sellwood Medical Clinic are available to administer a wide range of immunizations for adults and children.  Our Vaccine Information Sheet can be viewed by the button below.  

Vaccine Information Sheet

Immunizations/Vaccines Q & A

What are vaccines?

We are here to help you get better when you are sick.  Vaccines help us avoid getting sick in the first place.

Vaccines teach your body to fight off harmful illnesses. After getting a vaccine, your body becomes immune to certain diseases. 

This immunity may be permanent, or it can last for a limited time. If you’re immune, that means you're unlikely to get those illnesses, even if you're exposed to someone who's sick.

When should my child get immunized?

Your baby will receive their first vaccines when they're 1-2 months old. They continue to receive regular vaccines for the first two years of their life. Later on, your child will need booster shots. Many children receive another set of vaccines around 4-6 and 11-12.

Your provider can give you a vaccine schedule. This schedule explains which vaccines your child needs and when. Your provider can also give you a document that tracks your child's immunizations.

Diseases can spread quickly throughout a school or daycare facility. Requiring students to get vaccinated keeps everyone healthy. If your child is starting school soon, call Sellwood Medical Clinic. Your provider can determine which vaccines your child will need.

Are vaccines safe?

We’ve all heard rumors that vaccines cause health problems or developmental delays. Scientific research shows that these myths aren't true. 

Vaccines are the best way to protect your child from life-threatening diseases. They also protect other vulnerable groups like older adults or people who have cancer.

Some children might experience mild side effects like a low-grade fever after a vaccine. But these symptoms usually disappear within a day or two. Serious reactions are extremely rare.

What vaccines should I receive?

Your kids aren't the only ones who need vaccines. Adults need them too. Your Sellwood Medical Clinic provider can review your vaccination history. If you're missing certain vaccines, clinic staff can provide them.

Be sure to let your healthcare provider know if you're planning to get pregnant. You might need a special round of booster shots to keep your baby healthy.

Doctors also recommend that everyone over 6 months old receive an annual flu shot. 

Need a vaccine? Call Sellwood Medical Clinic today or schedule an appointment online.