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Newborn Care

Sellwood Medical Clinic

Pediatric and Adult Medicine practice with four locations in the greater Portland metropolitan area

Welcoming a new member into your family is an exciting time, but it can also be stressful for new parents. The team at Sellwood Medical Clinic offers outstanding newborn care at three offices in Portland, Oregon, helping parents focus on enjoying their baby and getting as much sleep as possible. To learn more about newborn care, book an appointment online or over the phone today.

Newborn Care Q & A

When is the best time to begin newborn care?

The best approach to securing high-quality newborn care is to begin meeting with doctors even before the late stages of pregnancy. This gives you time to meet with several practitioners and learn more about their approach to newborn and pediatric care.

When you choose a doctor well in advance of your child’s birth, you can begin building a trusting relationship with the professional who will guide your baby’s health and wellness. That can go a long way toward reducing the stress that all new parents face, whether it is their first or fourth child.

What is included in newborn care?

Some newborn care services are provided in the hospital immediately after your child’s birth. Most services, however, are delivered when you bring your newborn in for those first few important visits to the pediatrician.

Your baby’s doctor will begin by collecting information about your child’s:

  • Length, weight, and head circumference
  • Vision
  • Hearing
  • Sleep habits
  • Nursing or formula consumption

The baby gets a full physical exam, giving the doctor an opportunity to evaluate many aspects of your newborn’s development.

How soon do vaccines begin?

Your baby arrives already equipped with a strong immune system, thanks to antibodies passed through your umbilical cord. This immunity is only temporary, though. Vaccines are needed to prompt your baby to develop their own immune responses.

Don’t worry about which vaccinations are needed. Your practitioner will have the most recent guidelines regarding which vaccines to give and when they are needed.

A great deal of misinformation is available regarding the safety of vaccines. Your doctor is always willing to discuss how and why vaccinations are absolutely critical to your child’s health.

What are some other benefits of newborn care?

Most babies are born healthy so newborn care focuses on tracking development and ensuring your child has the proper vaccines at the right time. However, don’t underestimate the benefit of having a trusted medical professional to turn to if questions or concerns arise.

No topic is off-limits for new parents. If you think something just doesn’t look or seem right, call the office to ask questions or to set up a visit. Sleep habits, eating patterns, and even which gear is safe for transporting or feeding your newborn are among the many valid questions.

Postpartum depression is also an important topic. If you’re having trouble adjusting to the arrival of your baby, or if you feel unsettled, upset, or overtaxed by parenthood, don’t hesitate to come in and speak with the doctor. Postpartum depression is a treatable issue and has nothing to do with your value as a mother.

The process begins by calling the office or using the online booking tool to set up a visit.